Monday, 28 August 2017

The Mysterious Sealed Door

The Mysterious Sealed Door 

The mysterious sealed door of Sri Padmanabhaswamy temple, India is protected by two massive cobras painted on it and has no bolts attached or any other way of entry.It is said to house unimaginable wealth, and can only be entered by a high level 'SADHUS'.The door was believed, was sealed shut by a sound waves from a secret chant sound lost in time.Hindu priests say that at present, there is no human capable of opening the door.
The door refereed to as chamber B.It is believed that beyond chamber B lies another inner hidden chamber.Six of the hidden chambers of the temple have already been opened yielding approximately $22 Billion of gold in the form of jewelry and gold coins.
Many people speculate that the contents hidden inside the mysterious chamber go far beyond materialistic riches, even though priceless antiquities made of gold, and diamonds await on the other side.
Curiously, there isn't a single record that mention the exact date when the temple was founded...interesting?   
Today the Sri Padmanabhaswamy temple is one of the most protected places on the planet, guarded by metal detectors, security cameras, and more than two hundred guards, some of whom are equipped with heavy weapons.

Friday, 25 August 2017



Around the dawn of April 14, 1561, resident of Nuremberg saw what they describe as an aerial battle,followed by the appearance of large triangular objects battling in the sky and then a large crash outside of the city.
A broadsheet news article was printed later that month, describing the event.The broadsheet describes the object of various shapes including crosses, globes, two lunar crescents, a black spear and a tubular object from which several smaller, round objects emerged and darted around the sky at the dawn.

Mechanical fight had not yet been invented, so is it a high power weapons battle, which very religious people of Nuremberg witnessed and described it in their own primitive way?

The document is archived in prints and drawings collections at the Zentralbibliothek Zürich in ZurichSwitzerland.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

The Mystery of the Green Children

The Mystery of the Green Children 

The children of woolpit is an ancient account dating back to the 12th century, which tells you the tail of the two children which appeared on the edge of the field in a small village of Woolpit in England.
The young boy and girl  had a green skin and spoke an known language. The children became sick and the boy died, but the girl survived and over the years came to learn English language.She later unveiled the story of their origin, saying they came from a land called St.Martin`s Land, which existed in an atmosphere of permanent twilight, where people lived underground.She and her brother were looking after their father`s flock, when they came upon a cave.They entered the cave and wondered through the darkness for long time until they came out the other side, entering on to the sun light.It was then they were found by the reapers.   
According to some accounts, as her skin got normal, she took the name ‘Agnes Barre’ the man she married was the ambassador of Henry II.
While some view the story as a folk tale that describes an imaginary encounter with inhabitants of another world beneath our feet or even extraterrestrial, many others accept it as a real, although somewhat altered account of a historical event that merits further investigation.        

Monday, 21 August 2017

Village of the Dead

Village of the Dead:

Mystery of Lake Anjikuni

Lake Anjikuni is located near the Kazan river in the Kivalliq region, Canada.In 1930 a newsman reported a small village right off the lake Anjikuni, once-industrious Inuit village on the shores of lake had vanished without a trace.The village always welcome the fur trappers who passed through occasionally.But in 1930 it was reported that all villagers have gone by Joe Labelle, a well known fur trapper in the region. He found unfinished shirts that still had needles in them and food hanging over fire pits and therefore concluded that the villagers had left suddenly.Even more disturbing, he found seven sled dogs dead and grave that is undistributed.According to the earliest versions, details such as mysterious lights in the sky, and empty graves, and over thousand people missing.Too add to the mystery, the Mounties, reported seeing a blue light, too artificial to be the northern lights, pulsing on the horizon before fading in to the darkness. Despite numerous investigations, around 2000 thousand Inuits never seen again and tale of the missing Anjikuni village will be passed down through generations to come.  

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Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Devil's Footprint

The Devil`s Footprint

Following heavy snowfall in Devon region of England in 1955, a series of strange footprints were left behind.They were of cloven feet and spread out across around 170 kilometers(100 miles), people concluded that they were made by Satan.Frightened residents refused to leave their homes and footprints were reported in locations near impossible to reach, such as rooftop and closed off-areas behind high walls.Various theories have blamed animals or lost experimental balloons, but all these suggestion remain speculative.... 😈

Sol-way Spaceman

The Mystery of Sol-way Spaceman 


Jim Templeton was in marsh and was taking photo of his young daughter.Jim, who was amateur photographer wanted to take some photographs of her daughter who was wearing her new dress. 

After getting them developed there appeared to have been a spaceman in full astronaut gear standing behind her.
Jim and his family said that they never saw another person on the marsh (bar two old ladies sitting in a car on the road knitting, some distance away), and this mysterious figure wasn’t in any of the other photographs Jim had taken.  
The photo was passed to the Carlisle police and photographic experts but no one gave any substantial answer about the spaceman. 

Shortly after this, Jim reported that a Technician from the ‘Blue Streak missile project’ in Australia contacted him and told him they had spotted similar looking figures, wandering around the launchpad, during an aborted countdown on May 23rd (the same day).
Even Kodak verified that it was not tampered with.This freaks me out!

Monday, 14 August 2017


Mystery of the Ghost Plane 

Phantom Plane DC- 4 with 57 passenger on board landed in Caracas, Valenzuela, in 1992....37 years after his disappearance in 1955 during a flight from New York to Miami.

But less than a few minutes, as the plane took off again a ghost, and disappeared in to the clouds again! 

Testimony and taped radio communication between pilot and control tower are irrefutable proof that this nightmarish landing was still was in reality. 

Like a flying phantom of the Twilight Zone, a chartered DC-4 aircraft with 57 passengers on board landed in Caracas, Venezuela, in 1992 ... 37 years after his disappearance in 1955 during a flight from New York to Miami.According to de la Corte and other managers, they realized that there is something supernatural, when the airport was suddenly approached propeller plane that has not appeared on the radar screens.

Leaders of civil aviation detained all records of negotiations with the board, and also found a calendar and continue to investigate the incident. 


The Mysterious Sealed Door

The Mysterious Sealed Door  The mysterious sealed door of  Sri  Padmanabhaswamy temple, India is protected by two massive cobras painte...